Lawson State Community College to Host next Preview Day on March 15
Lawson State Community College invites prospective students and community members to its next Preview Day on Saturday, March 15, from 9 a.m. to noon at the Bessemer campus. The free event is open to the public and designed for anyone interested in exploring Lawson's academic and career technical education programs.
"It's a great opportunity for everyone to come out and see what we have to offer at Lawson State," said Stephon Adams, director of admissions, during a recent appearance on ABC 33/40’s Talk of Alabama. "In addition to exploring our academics, career tech, and short-term programs, people can also learn about our wraparound services. We just want to showcase the amazing departments that we have at Lawson State!"
Campus officials will be there to answer questions about financial aid, scholarships, registration, and class preparation. In addition, some faculty members will offer hands-on demonstrations reflecting their
programs.The event welcomes families, high school students, recent graduates, and
working professionals looking to return to school.
"Many people assume they need four years of college to launch a career, but that's not always the case," Adams said. "Lawson State offers short-term programs that lead directly to in-demand jobs. There are so many pathways here."