Nutrition wallpaper

Nutrition (Concentration)

Nutrition is an Area of Concentration that falls under General Studies at varying 4-year colleges. At the two-year level, it should not be confused with declaring a major; rather, it is a program track that is recognized by Alabama Transfers for the specific purpose of transferring to a four-year college. Upon completion of this course of study, students are awarded an Associate's degree that is transferable. The Natural Sciences are academic disciplines that include both life science and physical science. Students at Lawson can focus on a career path that leads to careers in biology (which is life science) or focus on more physical sciences that include physics, chemistry, earth science, and astronomy. Career paths under these pathways are lucrative and include Animal Science (Vet), Biology, Biology Education, Biomedical Services, Bio Technology, Chemistry, Chemistry Education, Clinical Lab Science, Dentistry, Health, Nursing, Nutrition, Neuroscience, Physical Education and more. Students can explore all disciplines on this page and find their path to success right here.

Benefits of Choosing a Career in the Natural Science Fields

Careers in the Natural Sciences as a whole are quite lucrative.  Students interested in becoming medical doctors, veterinarians, chemist, nurses, nutritionist, physical education specialist, physical therapists, biologist, veterinarians, botanists, zoologists, respiratory therapists, pharmacists, environmental scientists, biomedical engineer, neuroscience and more, should explore this section more.
Our Associate and Science (AS) two-year degree ranges from 60 to 64 transferable credits.  That means that once you graduate from Lawson State, you will be able to enter your four-year college of choice as a junior and secure a 4-year degree. To  increase your earning power and career possibilities, many Natural Science students continue their education and get their Masters degrees and Doctorate and Medical degrees in the select majors. 

All Science AS degrees are backed and protected by Alabama Transfers (Learn More).

Median salary in 2023 for an individual with a Biology 4-year degree.  As you increase your degrees, the salary continues to climb.  Medical doctors on average make 208K per year.  For more info. on your field, conduct a web search. Salaries can vary.
Average salary of a medical doctor in the U.S.
Average salary of Veterinarian in the U.S.
Dr.Tracey Wilson
Chairperson, Natural Sciences
Natural Sciences Chairperson
Natural Sciences is a career that has endless possibilities and pathways where you can find success.  You just need one thing: a love for science and your can spring board your medical or research career or more.



Explore Your Options in the Natural Science Fields

Lawson State Offers a variety of Natural Science Programs.  To the Natural Science pathways, click on the Alabama Transfers bar below.  Check with your Transferring college, and they can provide you with the guidance you need for apppropriate program selection. 

Any area of concentration you select, you can take the classes here at Lawson State or complete the bulk of your classes here, transfer early and complete a Reverse Transfer to complete your studies at the four-year college.  Students graduating from Lawson's Natural Science Department are awarded with Associate 2-year degrees--an Associate in Science.  Credits awarded (up to 64) do transfer to 4-year colleges.  NOTE:  Natural Science majors need a transfer plan to complete their 4-year degree and beyond.  Secure your guide via Alabama Transfers.

  • *Animal Bio-Health Sciences (Veterinarian)--AAMU Only
  • *Animal Science (Veterinarian)--AU Only
  • *Atmospheric and Earth Science--UAH Only
  • Biology
  • Biology Education (Middle/High School)
  • Biomedical Sciences
  • *Bio Technology (Applied/Plant)
  • Chemistry
  • Chemistry Education (Middle/High School)
  • *Clinical Lab Sciences/ Medical Tech
  • *Denistry--Select Biology as your 2-year path & transfer to a 4-year college. Or, if interested in our Dental Assistant Program, go to the Health Professions page.
  • *Environmental Science
  • *Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (AU Only)--
  • General Science Education (Middle/High School)
  • *Geography
  • *Geology
  • *Geospatial and Environmental Infomatics (AU Only)
  • Health Education (Middle/High School)
  • *Health Informatics (USA Only)
  • Health, PE and Recreation
  • *Kinesiology and Exercise Science
  • *Lab Sciences (AU Only)
  • *Meterology
  • *Neuroscience
  • Nursing--Complete your 2-year degree and exit with a Nursing Degree.  See Health Professions for more information.
  • *Nutrition
  • Physical Education
  • *Rehabilitation
  • Science (General)
  • Physics
  • Physical Science
  • *Physical Therapy--Select Biology as your 2-year path & transfer up to the 4-year
  • Pharmacy--Select Chemistry as your 2-year path & transfer to a 4-year college
  • Pre-Med--Select Biology as your 2-year path & transfer to a 4-year college
  • Occupational Therapy--Select Biology as your 2-year path & transfer up.
  • Optometry--Select Biology as your 2-year path & transfer to a 4-year college
  • Oseteopathics--Select Biology as your 2-year path & transfer to a 4-year college
  • Pediatrics--Select Biology as your 2-year path & transfer to a 4-year college

*Note:  Some specialized career pathways (Areas of Concentration) may not be listed as part of Lawson State's official catalog.  However, if the pathway is part of Alabama Transfer, then the College will honor your path.  In such cases, though, you may have to transfer early to complete more specialized courses (under Area V in your degree plan).  You can still be awarded your Lawson State degree via the Reverse Transfer option once those courses have been completed.  For more information, contact Lawson's Records Office.

Alabama Transfers outlines what specific courses you need for each Science or related field pathway (Area of Concentration).  Click below to review your area of interest or to discover even more Social Science pathways that may be of interest to you.

Explore your Natural Science Pathway and more career options via Alabama Transfers.


Want specific information related to Lawson State's programs and course listings outlined in their catalog?  Click here.


Take Your Next Steps

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Interested in learning more about the application process and how you can get here? Our team is here to help you find your way. 

Related Subjects

Explore your options by looking into these related programs.


Use your love for science and become a doctor. There are many fields you can study within the medical field. Consider becoming an internal medical doctor or pediatrician or surgeon. The sky is the limit.

Health Professions

The love of science can lead to many Health Professions careers from nursing to dentistry to radiography to more.  Lawson has several two year degrees that you can explore.

Animal Science

Use your love for science and consider a career as a Veterinarian.  If you love pets and science, this could be the career for you.

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Interested in learning more about the program? Reach out today!


Bessemer Campus
Building A
1100 Ninth Ave SW
Bessemer, AL 35022

Contact Information

Dr. Tracey Wilson