Registration Steps

Follow the Registration Steps below to register for your classes online.You must have applied to the college and be accepted in order to register for classes. 

Registration (Step-by-Step)


Lawson offers face-to-face advising (which is recommended) or virtual advising (if you cannot make it to campus). Click here for more information on both.

Go to the Advising Center (on either campus) and seek face-to-face advising with a faculty advisor (on campus). Determine during that session what specific courses you will need to register in for the upcoming term.  If you have already met with your advisor, skip to STEP 2.

Advising Center Locations:

Birmingham:  Academic Success Center, Room 250 (on the second floor).

Bessemer:  Student Success Building (Building"A"), 1st floor.  Office next door to Financial Aid Office.

Lawson State offers a number of ways to connect with an advisor: 

Step 1: Use the appropriate advisor contact list to locate a Faculty Advisor in your area (See "Contact an Advisor Tab)

Step 2: Click "Appointment Scheduler" to  begin the appointment scheduling process.

  • All students will need to sign-in to appointment scheduler using their single sign-on credentials
  • Example: Username: and password 

Step 3: Select your "Appointment Reason" . Your reason should reflect or align with your program of study/major.

Step 4: Once you have selected the appropriate appointment reason, review the list of available advisors and schedule an appointment date, time and type that fits your schedule.

Appointment Types

  • Face-To-Face: Students can meet with faculty advisors in their office or in the R.A.C.E. Advising Center on campus.
  • Virtual: Some advisors will provide the ability to meet with them via video conferencing. 
  • Phone: Schedule a date and time to speak with an advisor over the phone.

Step 5: Monitor your student email for information and updates regarding your scheduled appointment.

For assistance please email 

View the Schedule of Classes and select your classes.  Isolate and Select your Term of Choice for the term you are registering for. Craft out your schedule and write down the CRN (Course Record Number) for each class you map out on your schedule.  Be sure that you do not select any classes that conflict with one another.  If so, the system will NOT permit you to register with known conflicts.

NOTE:  The Summer term has a Interim (1-week term).  Look for Term 3 ( or Interim) for more information. 

video tutorial pic

Need Help?  View this Tutorial on how to look up classes.  Click on the Video icon above to view.


Students, you will need to login via MyLawson to access your registration portal.  Once on your MyLawson page, click on your Student Dashboard page. From there, click on Registration.

Click Here to Login to Your MyLawson Account

Need Help Registering:  Watch this Tutorial.

Want to Make a Change to Your Schedule (Add/Drop a Class):  Watch this Tutorial

Current Schedule Options: 

  • Face-to-face classes (100% on campus)                                                                                                                 
  • Flex classes (100% ground w/a streaming option for students if they cannot attend on a particular day).
  • Hybrid classes (50% on campus and 50% online).  
  • Online (100% online with 24/7 course access)                                                                                                     
  • Virtual (online but delivered via video conferencing means at specific scheduled days and times)

NOTE: Types of Terms

  • 16-week Term (Regular Term)
  • Mini-term classes (5 week classes in the Summer; 8 week classes in the Fall)
  • *Interim Term--1 Week Classes (1 week class, Monday-Saturday. Runs 8a-5p).--Summer ONLY

From the main website, login MyLawson to register.  The link to MyLawson is under the Current Student page.  

HOLDS:  If you have any HOLDS, call 205-929-2000 for help.


Click on the LINKS below for your Step-by-Step Guide-sheets on how to CLEAR your Unsatisfied Financial Aid Requirements and how to AUTHORIZE your Pell Grant (Title IV) to Pay Your Tuition and Fees.  These are REQUIRED Steps that ALL STUDENTS MUST COMPLETE!!!  We also have a tutorial on this topic, if you wish to view.  See Tutorial below.

NEW!!!!  How to Clear & Authorize Financial Aid
New Students or Reinstated Students: 
(Complete both steps below):

1:  Locating and Clearing Unsatisfied Financial Aid Requirements (Guide-sheet)
2:   Authorizing Your Financial Aid to Pay for Your Classes 
Returning Students Enrolling in Classes:  
If you attended Lawson State during the previous term and already went through the steps of CLEARING your Financial Aid Award, NO FURTHER ACTION IS NEEDED.  Your Financial Aid will automatically be authorized for this next term.

NOTE:  Have A Financial Aid Question:  Email:                                                                                     

STEP 5:  If a Cash Paying Student

After you register for your classes, login your MyLawson  account and on "Student Accounts" and pay your tuition using TouchNet.

Students who fail to attend class the first week will be automatically dropped from their classes.  To establish attendance in a hybrid, online, virtual or online class, complete the Syllabus Quiz or Syllabus acknowledgement form within the class. If you do not see either, participate by completing any first week assignment or discussion board the first week of class.  Failure to complete any work the first week will cause you be dropped from the class automatically.

If you need help registering, contact us at 205-929-2000 between 8a-5p.  For after hours support, email us at