Advising Services

Academic Advising is an important step to ensure you fully understand what classes you need to take in order to graduate.  It is also a good step to take to ensure you do not make missteps that can potentially delay your graduation date.  Never self-advise.  Learn from Lawson's advising experts.

Lawson State provides flexible advising options for both online and ground students.  Advising Centers are located on both campuses, and the College also offers virtual advising options for online students or students facing transportation issues to campus. 

LSCC Advising


R.A.C.E. Advising Services 

Below is a review of the Advising services offered at Lawson State. If you are in need of advising services at any point during your time at Lawson State, please utilize this information to get the academic assistance you need. Transient Students are not required to see an advisor. High School students should contact their High School Counselor or assigned Enrollment Specialist before reaching out to a college advisor. 

Before scheduling your appointment or visting the Advising Center on campus, please review these helpful tips. 

Lawson State Advising Appointment Checklist

Lawson State offers a number of ways to connect with an advisor: 

Step 1: Use the appropriate advisor contact list to locate a Faculty Advisor in your area (See "Contact an Advisor Tab)


Step 2: Click "Appointment Scheduler" to  begin the appointment scheduling process.

  • All students will need to sign-in to appointment scheduler using their single sign-on credentials
  • Example: Username: and password 

Step 3: Select your "Appointment Reason" . Your reason should reflect or align with your program of study/major.


Step 4: Once you have selected the appropriate appointment reason, review the list of available advisors and schedule an appointment date, time and type that fits your schedule.

Appointment Types

  • Face-To-Face: Students can meet with faculty advisors in their office or in the R.A.C.E. Advising Center on campus.
  • Virtual: Some advisors will provide the ability to meet with them via video conferencing. 
  • Phone: Schedule a date and time to speak with an advisor over the phone.


Step 5: Monitor your student email for information and updates regarding your scheduled appointment.

For assistance please email 

The Advising Center is a place where you can connect with faculty advisors and ensure that you are properly advised and registered each semester. Additionally, the Advising Center is a place where you can create academic plans that ensure program completion and plan out your life after graduation. 

Advising Center Locations on campus:

Birmingham Campus: Academic Success Center, Suite 250, (205) 929-3562

Bessemer Campus: Student Services Building A, Suite 194,  (205) 929-3562

Email: Ms. Caroline Russ at