TMCF SOAR Scholars Program

Lawson State Community College is looking for 100 dynamic high school students (rising seniors, Class of 2026) to participate in week long, on-campus boot camp in conjunction with the Thurgood Marshall College Fund.

Lawson State S.O.A.R. 

The TMCF HBCU Scholars Program at Lawson State is a one-week residential program for high-achieving high school juniors (rising seniors). The program aims to serve students by providing a unique opportunity to learn about HBCC institutions, college admission, financial aid, and scholarship resources, as well as, exploring career pathways and academic programs. This program is FREE to all participants.

The TMCF SOAR (Seeking, Observing and Achieving Results) Program champions students as they explore and determine their pathway after high school and continuing support through All Things TMCF (TMCF Pre-Scholars). SOAR provides a multi-year approach to preparing students for life beyond their K-12 educational experiences.

During Year 1, high school juniors will be exposed to the vast array of opportunities available following their secondary education through an HBCU on-campus, residential exploratory experience. Students will also engage with their host school throughout their senior year. In Year 2 following high school graduation, students will engage in enrichment and preparatory training that will prepare them for a successful transition to college and/or the workforce.

The TMCF HBCU Scholars Program at Lawson State is a one-week residential program for high-achieving high school juniors (rising seniors). The program aims to serve students by providing a unique opportunity to learn about HBCC institutions, college admission, financial aid, and scholarship resources, as well as, exploring career pathways and academic programs. This program is FREE to all participants.

To learn more about the program click here:


Current high school juniors (Class of 2026). Eligible students must participate in the program during the summer before their senior year.

  •  (Minimum of 2.5 GPA)

July 20th - July 25th: one-week residential program! All particpants must be able to live on-campus for the entire program. 

Application Deadline is June 6th 


Click Here to Apply 


Lawson State SOAR Application Instructions

For questions please email Mr. Dorian Waluyn, Executive Director of Strategic Initiatives & External Relations at